A range of dental procedures can now be safely and painlessly performed by your dentist for individuals who experience dental anxiety thanks to the science of sedation dentistry. As we repair your healthy smile, your anxiety and dread will vanish.

Due to unpleasant events in the past, dental phobia, an extremely active gag reflex, or having to remain motionless for extended periods of time, many patients experience anxiety and trepidation before receiving dental care. We are happy to provide sedation dentistry at Definite Dental Solutions that is both relaxing and productive.

Following a full health history and discussion of your oral needs and goals, our kind and caring staff will provide a recommendation for either oral sedation or nitrous oxide analgesia. An hour prior to your treatment, Dr. Seth will give you a medicine under your tongue in the office. To ensure the procedure is carried out securely and you receive the most benefit from the drug, she and her highly trained staff will monitor it under her supervision. The medicine is so powerful, though, that you might forget about the appointment the next day. You will therefore require company throughout your session to provide you with a secure trip home.

We also use nitrous oxide sedation at Definite Dental Solutions. Laughing gas, often known as nitrous oxide, is the most popular treatment for mild to moderate anxiety. The return to normal activities is immediate because recuperation happens so quickly.